Since Dann’s death, I’ve had several inquiries as to what I can legally do for clients. As it turns out, I can do a lot. First and foremost, I can design one and two-family homes. I can also do renovations, additions and garages. This will satisfy most of the clients we typically work with. Our permit sets will still contain all the drawings and specifications customers are accustomed to receiving from us. The only difference will be the need for the contractor to add the framing drawings from the lumber yard for engineered lumber (used for beams and other structural members) to the permit set.
Most commercial and multi-family construction does require the use of a registered architect as there are a lot more regulations and safety requirements to adhere to. We typically don’t do a lot of commercial or multi-family design, however, I am hopeful that we will be able to add those services in the near future.
If you’re curious and would like to read the exact statute, you can find it at